Sometimes change is motivated by a sense of adventure - "what if.." and that can be a source of fun and knowledge, but most often change is prompted by a desire for things to just be different to how they are now. And this is often related to a source of 'pain', hurt or discomfort. Unfortunately we also have a tendency to fear the change, a worry of 'jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire'. The important thing to remember is that remaining where we are is not painless either. Staying in a situation of feeling anger, depression, sadness, anxiety, panic and fear uses a lot of energy and will cost a lot in health and our ability to function.
"The man who looks for security, even in the mind, is like a man who would chop off his limbs in order to have artificial ones which will give him no pain or trouble." Henry Miller.
Human beings seem to generally be programmed to search out the easiest road - not surprising as we have a huge brain for problem solving and limited physical strength (compared to other mammals anyway) and this will often stand us in good stead - cue agriculture and the wheel. And I am as quick as anyone to reach for the Panadol to dull a physical pain however whatever type of pain we are dealing with it is vital that we search out the cause. Only then will we be able to proceed with the correct form of healing. Is that foot sore because it is broken or because there is a piece of glass in it? Is the depression caused by repressed anger or a nutritional mineral deficiency? How many people diagnosed with 'Depression' are sent for a blood test to check mineral levels? Or thyroid function? The treatment required is completely different. If you are suffering 'pain' it is necessary to find the 'cause' . When we find 'where we are' we will then be able to determine 'where we want to be'. If we so choose.
Being an adult requires adopting a sense of responsibility ie; "ability to respond". This means that we must be willing to 'know ourselves' so that we can respond to our experience of the universe. To effect change in our lives we need to decide where we want to go or at least in which direction we wish to travel, therefore we need to know where and who we are.
"A changed thought system can reverse cause-and-effect as we have known it. For most of us, this is a very difficult concept to accept, because of our resistance to relinquishing the predictability of our past belief system and to assuming responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and reactions.
"Love Is Letting Go Of Fear" by Gerald G. Jampolsky.
Classes are offerred regularly in Overcoming Anxiety, Stress & Depression. Please see the facebook Events page for the next class in your area.
"The man who looks for security, even in the mind, is like a man who would chop off his limbs in order to have artificial ones which will give him no pain or trouble." Henry Miller.
Human beings seem to generally be programmed to search out the easiest road - not surprising as we have a huge brain for problem solving and limited physical strength (compared to other mammals anyway) and this will often stand us in good stead - cue agriculture and the wheel. And I am as quick as anyone to reach for the Panadol to dull a physical pain however whatever type of pain we are dealing with it is vital that we search out the cause. Only then will we be able to proceed with the correct form of healing. Is that foot sore because it is broken or because there is a piece of glass in it? Is the depression caused by repressed anger or a nutritional mineral deficiency? How many people diagnosed with 'Depression' are sent for a blood test to check mineral levels? Or thyroid function? The treatment required is completely different. If you are suffering 'pain' it is necessary to find the 'cause' . When we find 'where we are' we will then be able to determine 'where we want to be'. If we so choose.
Being an adult requires adopting a sense of responsibility ie; "ability to respond". This means that we must be willing to 'know ourselves' so that we can respond to our experience of the universe. To effect change in our lives we need to decide where we want to go or at least in which direction we wish to travel, therefore we need to know where and who we are.
"A changed thought system can reverse cause-and-effect as we have known it. For most of us, this is a very difficult concept to accept, because of our resistance to relinquishing the predictability of our past belief system and to assuming responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and reactions.
"Love Is Letting Go Of Fear" by Gerald G. Jampolsky.
Classes are offerred regularly in Overcoming Anxiety, Stress & Depression. Please see the facebook Events page for the next class in your area.